It is a lifestyle!


Definition of the word Lifestyle- “The way in which a person or group lives.”

Loving God and trying to imitate Jesus in all that we do daily is a challenge… It is truly challenging! But I once read a quote that said:

“If you really want to do something you will find a way to make it a reality, but if you don’t, you will find an excuse!”

To follow in Jesus steps, it takes desire, determination, and practice after practice… with the acknowledgement that you are going to fail. It will not happen overnight! It is about falling and getting back up, failing repeatedly, getting back up and never giving up. You will fail once more but, you will always get up again! You will continue to fail until you become stronger and stronger  in which ever area you may be struggling with. We must keep growing and growing! Never stop growing!

We must have the desire, but that is not enough. We must have the willingness to do whatever it takes to manifest the change we want to see and truly become what we were created to be- The best version of ourselves. In each SEASON, we can manifest what we were sent to manifest in this world and fulfill our UNIQUE life’s purpose when we are prepared! All of us have a purpose of why we exist! Our life purpose can only be found or discovered in God, who I believe with all my heart is the architect and author of life. He is truly my portion and the reason for my existence!

It is not easy, but its surely not impossible. Throughout this journey, I have personally discovered that we don’t have to stay the way we are. We can gradually and progressively improve every single day and become the best version of our story… And grow to our highest and best potential. Everyone’s story is different!


Important NOTE:

 If we fail, then we should not discourage ourselves. We should get back up and try again. We must keep practicing and practicing every day until it becomes a reality in our lives… Until it becomes a life style and until Jesus’s character is formed in us! That is certainly the idea, that is our end goal. To imitate Jesus in our daily lives and for His character to be formed in us, so we can be prepared and fully equipped for every good work and be an instrument of justice for the glory of His name! I am sure that there is more things to discover after we are absent from this temporary body.



Years ago, I said to Arelis Marte- She was not going to waste her life away.

  • She wasn’t going to just live life without a purpose.
  • She was going to live a meaningful life, a life of purpose
  • She was not going to live life like it was not a beautiful gift to wake up every morning and be alive.


  • She was not going to follow the crowd-
  • She was going to be different.
  • She was to love wisdom and knowledge!
  • She was going to love like she was going to die the next day.
  • That she was going to acquire wisdom like she was going to live forever…
  • That she was to remain a student of life forever.
  • That she was going to learn to love God and seek to discover God’s good and perfect will!


  • That she was going to discover her life purpose and she was to fulfill God’s heart desires!
  • That she was going to learn God’s most intimate desires and she was going to go after them and to be the one who execute Gods most intimate desires.
  • That she must forgive everyone for their offenses just like God forgave her daily iniquities.
  • That she was not going to judge others by what someone said or express about anyone! For she might be judging someone innocent in Gods eyes.
  • That she was going to strive to understand God’s life standards so she can practice them and they can become a reality in her life.
  • That she was to love her neighbor as herself. But she must learn to learn herself first, like God loves her, so she is able to love others!

Final note:

Since then, she has been practicing and practicing… and every day as she continuous to grow and ascend to higher levels -she finds it getting easier and easier… For she has a clear vision of what she wants and who she wants to become, and she loves it!


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