1. Every morning that we get the beautiful privilege to see the light of a new morning

2. Forgive everyone for their offenses beforehand, even before the offense is committed. This means that we do not pick and choose who we are going to forgive, everyone is forgiven!
3.We must take captive of every thought that may come into our minds at any given moment. Any thought that is against our life standards as Christians, and as those who love God and look to fulfill His true heart desires! Therefore, we must be vigilant to identify such thoughts that infiltrate in us, and we must not dwell on negative thoughts! We must be mindful. Our mind is powerful!
4. Guard our hearts… The matter of the heart is very important for God…. God knows the true intentions and the true motives of every heart! The heart can be deceiving! We must monitor our hearts and we must search to see that we haven’t deviated from God’s desires and truth…
For us to guard our hearts correctly, we must seek for God’s counsel, we must gradually increase our knowledge of Him and His true desires for humanity… We must seek and acquire wisdom and justice….. And then we will be able to walk diligently and prudently.
5. Appreciate every second we are here; every second we get to breath…. Enjoy every moment with the people we love and be present in all we are doing. Let’s never take those people that we love for granted. For those around us might be here experiencing the human experience for a long period of time or a short period of time. WE DONT KNOW FOR HOW LONG! Let’s never forget life can be short sometimes. So let’s learn how to live!
Note: If we learn to practice these things every single day, we will start to feel true, genuine joy overflowing all over us and through us- up to a point where we no longer need to pretend, we are happy and joyful, our happiness has become a reality!
From: Me, to you who is reading this. God bless you, may you enjoy a blessed, happy, healthy week.