A letter from God’s heart to everyone that loves Him!

Dear beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ:


          I felt compelled by the Spirit of our precious God, to write this letter for all of us. May this serve you as an exhortation of love.

The valuable and precious word of God says that everything we do or say may be to edify each other. It is my full-hearted desire that you be edified, and your Faith be strengthened while you read this letter that is being written with love and best intentions at heart.

Note: It is in times like this, where we must put what we have learned into practice.

Rest assured- God is in control, He is for us and He will never forsake us nor leave us. He is a way maker, He is a promise keeper, and He will make a way where there is no way. And we must believe boldly, He will do it again.


The attitude we must have before Him:

A heart fully surrendered to Him, who is truly in pursuit of Him and His will. A heart that loves Him and willing to obey him. A heart that is pure. A heart that bears fruit for the glory of His name as we continue to grow in His knowledge.

Please remember it is not with our own strength!


2 Corinthians 12:9-11-


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


Note- Never forget in our weakness is when we are strong!


We must develop trust in Him, complete trust in Him will only come when we are in constant pursuit of Him, when we get to really know and understand Him. As you seek Him with a pure heart and you cultivate the bond and love, your trust will gradually increase.

It is Gods desire for you to grow and grow in His knowledge and be fully equipped and prepared for every good work.

That should be our personal vision, to grow and grow until Christ is truly in us! For we are to be the light of this world! Everywhere we go, we should light the room! For it is Him in us and for His glory!


We must study and mediate and exercise our authority in Him! The enemy is a deceiver and he wants you to keep lacking in the knowledge of God, for it is there where we can overcome all the obstacle and all his darts! I encourage you to intentionally set aside a devotional time daily where you set a time, it can be as little as 30 minutes, where you study, meditate, and contemplate His greatness and wonders! It will serve you so well! And not to say the rewards that will surely bring into your life. For the word says:


Hebrews 11:6-


“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”


We must fully surrender to Him and be ready for when He calls us to His presence. Make sure you understand we are all accountable for what we did with the time we were granted here on Earth. God will judge the world with Justice. For He knows all things- Every heart is exposed before Him! He will not judge by ear say! For He knows it all!

We all know this, but we sometimes forget! – Tomorrow is uncertain, the day of tomorrow is not promised to no one. Not even to the one who considers himself to be the most Holy or connected to the most high God.


This is what we need to know.

We must be ready.

We must have our house in order.

We must show the ones we love, we love them every single chance we have… For we never know when our last meeting will be.


See, we must be assured of His love for us-

He loves us and He has the power to liberate us from everything!

But I want us to trust Him, even when we don’t understand. It is His desire for us to have an attitude of love, no matter if He doesn’t grant what we are praying for, or expecting, or waiting on, we will still love Him and honor His name; even when things do not unfold the way we expected or prayed for. It is that trust that we must develop. He knows what’s best for us!

He has promised us everything will work out for the best of those who truly love Him! And no weapon formed against us should ever prosper.

For it is our trust He will not withhold no good thing!


Psalm 84:11 –

”For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly”.

Don’t run from the process of Preparation!!!

Many people want to be used by God, but few would like to go through serious preparation for the purpose of God, to truly manifest in our lives! One of the things I have discovered in this journey is that God prepares us in the background, where no one can see! When you are processed, you are ready for every good work and that should be our desire.


It is time to really evaluate our lives before Him. Are we really in pursuit of Him the way He wants us to pursue Him? Are you really dedicated to your Spiritual journey? In God, there are different levels of knowledge and the seeker will discover things that are only reserved for those that diligently seek Him! I truly believe Life is about growing, learning, discovering, changing, adjusting, failing, improving, amending and sometimes changing directions if we need to. Every single day we have the opportunity to start a new fresh day! Take advantage of it!


Remember always and never forget:

We are in this world, but we are not from here.

-We Belong to Gods kingdom and we are to look for the things that are above.


And this is what you need to know about the enemy:

He is a liar, a deceiver and imposter. It is his best interest for us to lack in Gods knowledge, for we will certainly perish without the true knowledge of God. He is opposed to the things of God. Be aware he sends distractions into your life to keep you from elevating your heart to God. Be wise and alert. Conduct yourself with wisdom, and let’s always be ready to acknowledge God for all we can do day by day. Everything we do daily is part of our daily worship to Him.


Please note:

Temptation will always be at the door, and you must make a choice of who you are going to satisfy. The desires of the Spirit or the desires of the flesh. The Bible clearly states that they are against each other! The only way to overcome this spiritual constant fight is to feed our Spirit, every single day so we are not weak when temptation comes knocking our door, for if we are weak, we will always keep on falling and losing the battle. This is a must! If you really have a true desire to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and truly fulfill Gods heart and desires for your life, you must seek Him according to His standards. You must have an ear to hear what is that He wants to do in your life.


Socrate once said:

“The unexamined life is not worth living

“Life is a gift from God, it is certainly beautiful, but we human beings, we must learn how to live!” – Arélis Marte


Finally, I will end this letter with the following prayer:

                               Dear God,

Thank you, for you are our trust! You are above every circumstance and storm. You are our ultimate refuge and trust. We thank you for your protection, your unconstitutional love for us, and faithfulness. Teach us to be loyal to your commands and desires. Make us your vessels, make us an offering. Create in us a clean heart and renew a loyal spirit in us.


God bless you

These word from Arelis Marte’s heart to All- 4/10/20 

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