Arelis’s Life Observations

I’ve been carefully observing and studying life and human beings and I’ve found all different kinds of people, from all walks of life. Young Old, Rich, Poor, Tall, Short, and I see those who are on the train of life next to me… however, there are some on the train that have no idea or know where they are going, or what they are working for, or even what they want in life. Others are on the train hoping to get somewhere even when they don’t know where they are heading. How can someone be in a train with no destination in mind.
If you don’t have a destination, you will never get there. Without a destination, you won’t know where you’re heading. Many are on the train of life- but don’t know what life is, or don’t even care for it. They spend their whole life wishing to live a better life and hoping to see a better day. However, they are not willing to put in the work to design the future they are aiming for. Now, there are those people that strive to manifest something they wish to see, but they were the ones that completely neglected the time reserved for preparation. They lacked the time to develop a well-balanced state, and in the end, end up losing something greater than what they were striving to obtain in the first place. That is insane.
There are others that never understood the purpose of seasons! For the truth is, we all go through different seasons in life. They’ve experienced a hard and tough season of deception, however instead of learning from that one bad season, that season will repeat itself during their lifetime. They took the wrong route and found refuge in other things such as getting involved with substance abuse, which leads to them to become addicted and lose themselves in their addiction’s. God help them!
I’ve seen so many people departing from the world and so many babies being born. I see people and observe that they want to be successful but are not willing to put the time and effort to really manifest what their minds have conceived. If only they knew it is possible. It’s possible to have more than what you have, because you can become more than what you are now!
People want to be loved, yet they are the ones who have hatred in their hearts. People want to be forgiving, yet they are the ones who have a hard time forgiving other! Others wish to be financially independent but are not taking the necessary steps to get there. If you want to be wealthy, study wealth.
Let’s not fool ourselves- People want more than what they have, but they do nothing to become more than what they are.
Then comes the complainers, who are people who complain about everything! Those that blame everything else and other but not themselves! They are mad about not reaping what they wish to reap, but they don’t deserve it. They did not do what they were supposed to do! They did not work hard for what they wished for… My friends, it is impossible to reap what you haven’t seen. Don’t say you wish to reap bananas and expect to reap peaches.
Don’t complain about the things you haven’t gotten since you haven’t put any work for it. WE want to enjoy a better and healthy lifestyle, but we are often not mindful of what we are consuming every day. WE want things to just happen magically, without developing the proper discipline that we must be practice every day. The reality is -We are all seeking for happiness but never found true satisfaction. Above all things, what we truly need is love.
Love can conquer all! We must come to the realization that we all have a need to love and be loved, but we can also decide to neglect that! You can have all the materials things you can possibly possess and if you don’t have someone to love and love you back, you will always feel empty, even if you pretend to be happy and fulfilled, you know deep inside something is missing!
Something else I find ironic, we all know that we are going to die, but no one really believes it until the day comes and surprises us. If we did know about our death, we would live a very different life from how we live our daily lives.
Wishing all a blessed
well lived life! A wonderful journey while you are experiencing a human experience.
God bless you all.
From: Arélis Marte

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