And if I were to be born again…

Subject: And if I were to be born again…

And if I were to be born again … And if I were to be born again and had the privilege of choosing … I would choose the same nuclear family, that consist of my parents, Jose and Olga- Whom by the way I love so much! They are so loved by my heart. And they are one of my reasons why I want to be very successful and financially free, to make sure they are set with all their needs and wants! They were such good hard and honest working parents.

 The only complaint I have lol, is that me and my dad have similar characteristics ????‍♀️????‍♀️????‍♀️ so we both think we are always right! What an issue! But as I grow older, I have learned to just respect him, oh man smh, it took me a long time to just understand and respect him and let him believe he is right in all he says :). After all, his advices are always because he loves me, and he wants to see me do well in life! And I would also choose my two brothers Pedro and Wilson whom I love with all my heart too! I don’t think they know how much my heart loves them as well.????????????.

It is my heart’s desire to see them pursue God’s purpose for their lives. I pray my eyes before I’m absent from this body to see them seeking God and living their best life but in Christ. In truth, I would honestly have only added a sister … Well, I have my cousin who is like a sister to me her name is Prisila. She is truly the sister I wished I had, but she really isn’t my sister…. Although I love her like a sister, she is just my cousin.

The only thing that I regret and would change is not having enjoyed every moment of my family with my siblings while we were still little in our household. Sadly, it was in my later years, that I learned the importance of each moment and each stage in life. The importance of every memory shared. If I had to be born again, I surely wouldn’t want to grow up so fast, because each memory brings with it a very important lesson that plays a very vital role in the way we develop …

Later I learned that each stage is important, and we must learn to enjoy each one of them. Living in the present moment is so essential to truly live a fulfilled life. When time passes by, they become a part of our past, and never come back. So, what is the message that I want to convey with all this that I express- that it is important to enjoy each stage! Do not rush to get out of them, everything has its time! Like some seasons of life …. you must enjoy them all. And keep cautious to what isn’t good. Foggy times, the unexpected times that always come, should be taken in stride, but proceed with caution. Ensuring that we are never paying wrong for wrong …

Oh, I almost forgot to mention this- I would have also chosen to meet someone very special to my heart in my early years. I would have made sure that many things would have been different for those that I was going to care, love, and serve as a guidance, especially in those years that we are going and we think that we are so smart and wise. Those years that we believe that we know it all, in our own opinion and that one person that knows who one is and for you to just know, I love you and wish I could be born again and choose to be in your life at an earlier time.

It is wise: overcome the bad with the good.


God bless you! ✍️❤️????????????

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