Let’s Keep it Simple!

A Christian’s life is nothing more than learning to live a pleasing life before God, who knows all things. This is very important for you to understand, for there are a lot of people who have been in church all their lives- some have been in church for 30 years and others been serving in church for many years. Yet, they have not delighted in God the way He wishes! What is it that I am saying? That yes, it is possible to be in church and not have an intimate relationship with your creator or the God you serve! God’s children are called to develop an intimate relationship with Him, and we must cultivate that relationship every single day.



Whoever proclaims to love God –MUST discover what is His good, pleasing, and perfect will for his or her Life and pursue it with determination, courage, passion and joy…. We are called to examine everything!!!

1 Thessalonians 5:21 says:

“But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.”

Note it is our due diligence to test, examine, and evaluate everything and discover God’s true intentions for everything! Becoming a student, is a must! IF you love God and want to really execute His will and fulfill your life purpose, you must become a student of His word- in which we believe by faith that the bible is the word inspire by God! We believe by faith; the Bible is God’s Manual for Mankind! The Bible is where we get to know the character of God and who He is, what He likes and doesn’t like, what is pleasing to Him and what He hates! And the way He wishes for us to live while we are here on Earth.



God is all knowing! Meaning that- Every heart is exposed before him. He knows the true intentions of every heart. A Christian is someone that believes in God and believes in Jesus Christ, the son of God’s teaching! A Christian is a disciple of Jesus. One who imitates Jesus in their daily living.

Definition of Disciple: “A follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher.”

We must be a personal follower of Jesus during our life.

John 13:35 says:

35 “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

***A true disciple of Jesus must learn to love his neighbor as themselves. ***


And this is what I want you to know and know it well:

In God there are different levels of Knowledge: He wants you to learn to know him and understand Him. You must have a Spiritual vision! Otherwise you will stay stuck and will not gradually progress in God’s kingdom. It is God’s desire for you to ascend to a higher spiritual dimension, so you can be fully equipped and prepared for every good work.


Suggestion for those who want to really get serious about building their spirit man! –

Read His word, read it again and read more, and then meditate on what you just read and ask yourself how it applies to your life and what can you learn from it!

2 Timothy 3:16 says:

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”

Don’t think it is enough to read one time a passage and think it will be rooted in you, you must read and read some more, meditate, and let the Spirit of the highest God, communicate to your spirit, through His spirit. I will advise you to set up a time for 30 minutes every single day and respect the time. Don’t be late and be there ready and hungry for him and his presence. If you do that, you will start experiencing what you have never experienced before! All of Him will start rubbing off onto you and you will slowly become more and more like Him! I will tell you; you will surely not regret surrendering to Him and letting Him lead your life! And as you draw closer to Him your love for Him will surely increase and you will get to a point where you will not enjoy living life without Him.


Let’s do this, we can do this, I know we can!

Arelis Marte– June 12, 2020


A Christian’s life is nothing more than learning to live a pleasing life before God, who knows all things. This is very important for you to understand, for there are a lot of people who have been in church all their lives- some have been in church for 30 years and others been serving in church for many years. Yet, they have not delighted in God the way He wishes! What is it that I am saying? That yes, it is possible to be in church and not have an intimate relationship with your creator or the God you serve! God’s children are called to develop an intimate relationship with Him, and we must cultivate that relationship every single day.



Whoever proclaims to love God –MUST discover what is His good, pleasing, and perfect will for his or her Life and pursue it with determination, courage, passion and joy…. We are called to examine everything!!!

1 Thessalonians 5:21 says:

“But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.”

Note it is our due diligence to test, examine, and evaluate everything and discover God’s true intentions for everything! Becoming a student, is a must! IF you love God and want to really execute His will and fulfill your life purpose, you must become a student of His word- in which we believe by faith that the bible is the word inspire by God! We believe by faith; the Bible is God’s Manual for Mankind! The Bible is where we get to know the character of God and who He is, what He likes and doesn’t like, what is pleasing to Him and what He hates! And the way He wishes for us to live while we are here on Earth.


God is all knowing! Meaning that- Every heart is exposed before him. He knows the true intentions of every heart. A Christian is someone that believes in God and believes in Jesus Christ, the son of God’s teaching! A Christian is a disciple of Jesus. One who imitates Jesus in their daily living.

Definition of Disciple: “A follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher.”

We must be a personal follower of Jesus during our life.

John 13:35 says:

35 “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

***A true disciple of Jesus must learn to love his neighbor as themselves. ***


And this is what I want you to know and know it well:

In God there are different levels of Knowledge: He wants you to learn to know him and understand Him. You must have a Spiritual vision! Otherwise you will stay stuck and will not gradually progress in God’s kingdom. It is God’s desire for you to ascend to a higher spiritual dimension, so you can be fully equipped and prepared for every good work.

Suggestion for those who want to really get serious about building their spirit man! –

Read His word, read it again and read more, and then meditate on what you just read and ask yourself how it applies to your life and what can you learn from it!

2 Timothy 3:16 says:

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”

Don’t think it is enough to read one time a passage and think it will be rooted in you, you must read and read some more, meditate, and let the Spirit of the highest God, communicate to your spirit, through His spirit. I will advise you to set up a time for 30 minutes every single day and respect the time. Don’t be late and be there ready and hungry for him and his presence. If you do that, you will start experiencing what you have never experienced before! All of Him will start rubbing off onto you and you will slowly become more and more like Him! I will tell you; you will surely not regret surrendering to Him and letting Him lead your life! And as you draw closer to Him your love for Him will surely increase and you will get to a point where you will not enjoy living life without Him.

Let’s do this, we can do this, I know we can!

Arelis Marte– June 12, 2020

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