The way Jesus said we should pray! 5/26/20

Let’s talk about our prayer life….     5/26/20

What is prayer?

The definition of prayer is the following:

a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.

NOTE: In other similar words, prayer is a combination of exalting his name above all name, and recognizing his divine, unmatchable power. An expression of thankfulness and gratitude for his goodness and love and faithfulness.  And a moment where we as God’s children’s request for help in whatever we are having issues with.

When we pray is like we are having a conversation with God; who is your heavenly father; someone who cares for us and want the very best for us.

Prayer is vital to whoever loves God, for it is through a prayer life that we are able to build d a relationship of trust and love, with God. So to develop a intimate relationship a prayer life is a must!  Without it  you will not get to live the victorious life He Wishes for you to discover and live here on Earth. So please don’t take your prayer life lightly like it doesn’t matter! Jesus led by example! He spent long hour’s in praying. And we must follow his footsteps; we must imitate Him in order to be able to really fulfill our live purpose at complete capacity.


Jesus instructed us to approach God as Father when we pray and this is how he said we should pray:

This is known as – “The Lords’ prayer.”


Principles to follow when praying


  1. Approach him as a father!!!


  1. Hallowed be your name!!! This is a declaration of praise to God for His perfect nature. It is an acknowledgment that His name is to be worthy to be apart as Holy. We are to start but exalting Him for his marvelous attributes and His faithful character. In our prayers we express these things to him. Read -Psalms 100 when you have a chance and meditate on it.


  1. Your Kingdom Come: We must desire for his will do be done as in Heaven here on Earth. For His will to be done in our lives. We must welcome His authority in our lives. His will is good pleasing and perfect.


  1. Give us each day our daily Bread; we should pray to God can supply our basic needs. This recognizes our dependence on God.


  1. Forgive our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.


Note: A person who has received God’s forgiveness is marked by a spirit of Forgiveness.


  1. And lead us not into temptation
  • We are truly tempted in many ways each day to be unfaithful to God, to our family to our friends, our employers, to our fellow employees and to our neighbors, we must trust he is with us whenever temptation arises.
  • Remember always what 1 Corinthians 10:13 Says;

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”


This is what I want you to know:

  • When you feel worry- Pray
  • When you are struggling- Pray
  • When you feel lost- pray
  • Pray when you need to make a determinate decision
  • Pray for others that are facing struggles
  • Pray when you feel bored
  • Pray for the world’s leaders
  • Pray for your Pastors
  • Pray for your fellow man
  • Pray for you can really fulfill your life purpose

God bless you! I hope this information serves you well! 

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