And this is why I Love God SO MUCH!

Arelis Marte- Who was born in the year 1987 Loves God so much!

But why?

  • Because I have discovered He is truly the Author and Architect of life!
  • Because He gave me life as a beautiful gift.
  • Because He loved me first.
  • Because He was the one who chose me.
  • Because I feel I can move mountains with Him.
  • Because He has no limitations.
  • Because we were wonderfully made like His image.
  • Because He is who He said He is, because He is faithful.
  • Because He loves us with no conditions- unconditional love.
  • Because He has a plan and purpose for our lives.
  • Because He gave us life and wants us to live in an abundant life.
  • Because He is amazing, and all knowing.
  • Because He had no beginning and will never have an end.
  • Because everything He created was for the Good of mankind to enjoy and live a fruitful and wonderful life.
  • Because He is the true reason of my existence.
  • Because He is my refuge and trust.
  • Because He is a loving father.
  • Because He is my anchor.
  • Because He is all in one.
  • Because He completes me and in Him, I feel truly satisfied.
  • Because His presence is truly heaven to me.
  • Because He is my protection and true peace.
  • Because with God, all things are possible.
  • Because He is the Upholder of all creation.
  • Because Love is the dominant Characteristic of how He deals with His creatures.
  • Because Only in Him, Mankind can truly feel complete and satisfied.
  • Because His doings are all purposeful, intelligent, wise, kind and eternal.
  • Because without Him, my life wouldn’t have meaning or purpose.
  • Because He is the supreme ruler, because He is the One above all.
  • Because He is not far, because He is more near than we think.
  • Because His ways are amazing.
  • Because He will judge the world with justice.
  • Because He is the owner and true Lord of my heart.
  • Because His ways are perfect…
  • Because His mercies are new every morning.
  • Because He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
  • Because He is so compassionate, loving, and caring.
  • Because His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways.
  • Because He has a good plan for us, plans to prosper me and not harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.

NOTE: And because of all this that you just read and much more- I’ve decided – To forever live the father’s will. I will become His best version; I will fulfill my life purpose and I will execute all of His intimate Heart desires.  7/21/2020


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