King David Vs. King Saul.

Meditate on the following: King Saul and King David (whose Heart was after the heart of God). It is very interesting how these two leaders were so different.
Saúl: The chosen one of the people.
David: The chosen follower of God (one who loved God from His beginnings).
As human beings by nature, we are often drawn by the outward appearance of a person. But God knows and see the things that are not visible, the things we cannot see with our natural eyes.
Note: Saul, because of his appearance, was seen as the best option. But he did not have a heart willing to obey God. Saul did not love God. Saul did not delight in God. Saul did not love God’s people. Saul was not sensitive to the voice of God. Saul had no desire to fulfill the desires of the heart of God ❤️.
David was Sensitive to God and loved God very much. David was-
⁃ A brave warrior. He played an instrument and wrote songs, how wonderful.
⁃ Delighted in God. God’s presence was the most important thing in his life.
Let’s see what he wrote in Psalms 84:10-
“10 Because one day is better in your courts than a thousand outside them.
I prefer to choose to be at the door of the house of my God,
What to live in the houses of evil.”
Important note: God prepared David for service long before he was the king of Israel. David spent years after years preparing behind the scenes, where he processed through difficulties, afflictions, adversities, challenges and persecution. “David’s spirituality is reflected in his great faith in God.”
Now, this is what I want you to know:
Do not run away from the process, because it is our preparation! Many people want to be used by God, but few would like to go through serious preparation so that God can truly manifest Himself in our lives! One of the things I’ve discovered in this journey is that God prepares us in secret places! He uses adversities that no one wants to go through to shape us and hope that we trust in Him, as He shapes us according to His purpose for us! The process prepares us, so we can fulfill our life purpose.

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