We are living Crucial times right now!

And this is what you need to know and must know!

If you’re a God lover, and you have the desire to go into deeper oceans with Him… You must understand the following: God has principles and standards. He wants us to live our daily life by Him! You will get a full understanding when you spend time in His presence! He will reveal Himself to you once you show Him with actions that you truly desire Him like He truly desires you.

If you find yourself always falling short and one week you feel strong Spiritually and the next one you feel weak- You must define the root of the problem! It could be that you do not spend time alone with He who you say you love so much! See, you must make sure you are not falling into the category of those that only honor Him with their lips. But the reality is their hearts are far from Him. Please make sure this is not you! I want everyone to experience the fullness of God. I love it…. I am not there yet, but I am on my way and it feels amazing! I love this journey….

“‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”- Matthew 15:8

As I meditate and look at what is going on in the world, nation, and my community…. I truly believe in my heart God wants to do something New, something without precedent. Things that no eyes have seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined …. That is why I strive every day to focus most of my energy and time to the things of the Spirit…So I can be sensitive and be quick to hear His heart desires!

I am believing God for a Spiritual Awakening and I can honestly feel it! The best is yet to be revealed. See, something that I have learned in this journey is that God really makes everything work together for the good of those that love him…. He does, I promise He does… That is the very clear reason why we should always maintain the best positive attitude during the process! Yes, we all go through different processes…. and sent by God or not, it is surely permitted by God. He uses it to mold and shape our character and to teach us life lessons that later in life, we will put in use to expand His kingdom! Isn’t that great that HE makes everything work for our good. I think it’s amazing!  See for this word to have a significant effect in your life, you must believe it to be true!


Read this carefully: If you feel like you love God but you feel kind of far from His presence in your life and you are just sick of just going to church and not getting closer to Him….First I must say it is your fault! It is your responsibility to seek Him every single day like the way you need the air to breath! You are the church! We are the church! We go to the place we call church, in which we gather joyfully to fellowship and corporately worship together and prepare His throne with worship as one body…. We go to church to learn and increase our knowledge in His kingdom….


Yes, in God, there are different levels of knowledge and you decide how high you want to grow! Just like everything else, you need determination, passion, discipline, courage and to be constantly seeking and striving for more! Never settle for less! Always go for more…


Let’s look at what 2 Chronicles 7:14 Says:

14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”


See God wants to use His people to heal the land, but He needs willing and fully surrendered vessels, those that were born for this! I love God, He is always looking to do something good with humanity… Can we please join His cause and surrender to Him and be an instrument of Justice? Can we please decide for Him…? And let Him be the true Lord over our lives? Can we be that world changer who makes a different while living in this world so generation after generation be inspired and learn to live the life, we are called to live in Jesus Christ…


Let’s do this, we can do it, I know we can!

Love you all, God bless,

Arelis Marte 7/22/2020



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