Things I’ve learned in this Journey.

And this is what I’ve learned through this Journey

-Train my mind to see the good in every situation.
-To be grateful for what I have.
-To be content in each season.
-To be content when I have a lot and when I don’t have a lot.
-I’ve learned that every season was preparing me for the next one, and that not one season last forever.
-To be grateful when things are good and when things are not so good.
-To forgive every offense.
-To not to take for granted what I have now while I pursue what I want.
-To not to take for granted the people that I love and those that formed a very important part of my life.
-To be satisfied where God has me right now.
-To keep my vision in front of me.
-To be present, to live in the present moment.
-To live one day at a time, and each day like it was my last day.
-To live like it’s my last day and acquire knowledge like if I’m going to live forever.
-To seek knowledge and apply it, for it is power.
-To never settle for less if there is more that it can be obtain.
-To seek for wisdom….
-Every day is a new opportunity to start all over again, wiser and smarter.
-Never look at someone like they are less of you. Life is full of surprises.
-To be fair with all people. To care for the best interest of all.
-Never let the opinions of others affect the way I feel about myself.
-To use the power of my imagination.
-The victory starts in my thinking.
-To plan my thoughts fixed on what God says.
⁃To not walk by sight, but by faith like God wishes for me to do so.
-To be a blessing to as many as I can.
-To be compassionate and merciful.
-To not be too quick to judge others.
-To be genuine and loving without hypocrisy.
-To love the truth in secret places.
-Make my life the way I want it to be. Every decision is shaping my tomorrow and that failure is a process and success involve a process.
-I’ve learned that my time is valuable, and I need to know how to invest every minute.
-I must learn to invest my time the best way possible.
-I must have a balance in all areas of life.
-I must stay in tune with what God is trying to do in each moment in history.

That life is like a game, we must learn how to play to be able to have the change and win.


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