Hoy tomé un tiempo para pensar y meditar con más profundidad sobre lo que verdaderamente [...]
Buenos días 🌍🌈☀️ Pensemos en esto:A veces no entendemos o ignoramos que Dios se agrada [...]
I have seen many people that have been neglecting their spiritual life because of [...]
I will surrender to God all my worries and cares, for I will trust [...]
After a deep, fervent prayer, I sat down and wrote the following: I have a [...]
Meditate on the following: King Saul and King David (whose Heart was after the heart [...]
Good morning, Good morning, Good morning, And here is what we all must know: The [...]
I’ve been carefully observing and studying life and human beings and I’ve found all [...]
Definition of the word Lifestyle- “The way in which a person or group lives.” [...]
1. Every morning that we get the beautiful privilege to see the light [...]