Are you a Christian and you want to experience a closer relationship with your creator and really get to enjoy that perfect communion we are invited to enjoy and cultivate with our Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus?

If you want Gods presence to be a true reality in your life, and you no longer want to continue to make pretend you do enjoy his presence in your daily life; I want to invite you today to start practicing the following simple steps. I’m telling you they have change my entire spiritual life. And I’m sure they will change yours! Only if you do it with a humble, sincere heart. ❤️

1. Surrender completely to God.

             – ask him to teach you what surrendering completely to him means and ask him to teach you how to.

2.Ask him that you understand he desire for us to love him above all things and trust him completely; ask him yo teach you to love him the way he desires and requires for us to live him.

3.Ask him to really genuine teach you to love your neighbor according to his standards, and the way he desires.

4.Ask him to teach you to love the truth in secret places! Where no one sees you or hears you.

5.Ask him to teach you how to guard your heart.

6.Ask him to teach you his ways and give you understand of what is to truly live a pleasing life before him that knows all things.

7.Ask him to teach you to submit to him and accept his will, for he knows best!

This from my heart to All who love and reverence his name!

Arélis Marte 3-25-20